Reaching for the stars [artwork]

Nobody ever gives me gifts :) One can be philosophical and say, this life itself is a gift from the Almighty; the oxygen, the water, Nature, all are gifts and blessings, so make most of them. Yeah, I know, I know. Philosophical / spiritual is good, but once in a while childish is better.

Therefore, just before my birthday, which is in July, when I saw the banner Apple Days at a neighborhood Vijay Sales outlet, I made up my mind. I will gift myself, the world be damned.

Deal at the store was price reduction plus some moneyback splashed additionally, if you use specific credit cards, and ICICI was one of them. I got myself an iPad with Apple Pencil. Next day I purchased Procreate software from the Apple Store and installed it. A self-gifted birthday, one of my happiest.

Apple’s tablet product and its accessory the Apple Pencil are less celebrated or popular than its siblings the MacBook Pro and iPhone, but I think the iPad when used with Procreate [or Fresco for Adobe fans] is the best thing that Apple has given us. Relaxing and addictive when you start doodling the Apple Pencil on the iPad.

The artwork I am sharing in this post is not the first on my new tech gear. I drew another portrait, which I will share in my next post. The subject (girl) in Procreate and all the mountains [foreground / middle ground / background] + sky/stars in Affinity Photo, also on the iPad.

The line for this illustration is ‘reaching out for the stars on a moonless night’. She does not seem to be happy. For, she, as bright as the sun, knows that other stars are all heat, shine and branding whereas the moon is her own reflection.


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