
Showing posts from January, 2016

A Ruby Program On Logistic Regression

I wrote, rather translated, a small program in Ruby on logistic regression. There is a github repository " python-ML-minimal " that has programs written for Prof. Andrew Ng's machine learning class assignments. The cool thing is they are written with only the core language features without any dependency on libraries.

Welcome 2016

The first blog post of the new year is an exercise in quantifying my online presence last year. In January 2015, my stats were: Twitter -- 2440 tweets, following 15, 62 followers Facebook -- 320 friends, member of 22 groups Blogger -- 103 posts (including 40 in LiveJournal) Github -- 2 repositories; raygate = 560 KB, ruwi = 228 KB; total = 788 KB. Short films -- Ray Mahruwi Productions = 7